Our neglect of the poor has become a tinder box and COVID-19 could be the spark that starts a deadly conflagration.
Author - Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patino
Dr. Lauro Amezcua-Patino is the clinical voice of The Only You (Solo Tu), a Podcast dedicated to simplifying the complex issues of the mind and mental illness. Originally from Mexico, he has been in clinical practice in the Metropolitan Phoenix Area for over 30-years.
Not wearing a health mask goes against common sense and historical data.
During stressful times, there are ways to manage anxiety.
The bubble is a temporary space into which we all must retreat at times. But spending too much time in a bubble can also create long lasting problems.
Being quarantined isn't easy, but there are steps we can take together to make the situation easier.
Lack of leadership is making the COVID-19 pandemic worse than it has to be.
Poor coordination and misinformation are hampering testing efforts. But they shouldn't be.
Without social equality, people of color are constantly forced to defend or justify their own existence.
Social anxiety can have a serious impact on personality development.
Collective rage in large groups is similar to the rage in individuals.
Republican or Democrat, black or white, rich or poor, if you are a human being, you are susceptible.
It has been known for millennia that the most vulnerable individuals during epidemics and pandemics are the poor.
All of us must hold onto our resolve if we are going to overcome the coronavirus.
The coronavirus is a risk that must be managed like any other.
It is important that we all take sleep as seriously as our waking hours to ensure health, vitality, and longevity.
For many of us, alcohol is a social lubricant that allows us to interact more easily with others. For most alcohol dependent individuals, it is the opposite.
Depression remains one of the most common disorders associated with suicide.
Bipolar Disorder affects between 2-3% of the population
Imagina que estás saliendo de tu casa y de repente un tigre está frente a ti, listo para atacarte. Sin que te des cuenta, tu cuerpo reaccionará para prepararte...
Uno de los principios del diagnóstico psiquiátrico es que siempre es un trabajo en progreso. Cuanto más comprendamos la película de la vida del paciente y...
Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder are not a weakness of your character, they are biological disorders of the brain that affect your behavior.
Tip: Spend time with those you choose to be with and not with whom social convention dictates.
La depresión, como trastorno médico, biopsicosocial, es una afección que se puede y debe tratar. Pero ¿qué es el tratamiento psiquiátrico? El tratamiento...
Cuando un niño o adolescente tiene un miedo constante y persistente a ser humillado, ridiculizado o avergonzado en situaciones sociales, podría sufrir de...
The most effective treatment for Major Depression is a multifaceted approach that combines medication and other therapy options.
No todos los que están tristes están deprimidos, y no todos los que están deprimidos están tristes. Esta no es una pregunta retórica, es muy importante...
It is believed that more than 17-million people suffer from at least one depressive episode every year.
It's important that ADHD is treated as soon as it's identified.
Es importante enfatizar que los medicamentos no "curan" o "tratan" el TDAH, solo ayudan a controlar los síntomas problemáticos.
Simple positive or negative reinforcement can be effective in treating ADHD in a child.
En general, el riesgo de tratar TDAH es menor que el riesgo de no tratarla.
ADHD symptoms often become more apparent as a child gets older.
One way of defining normal behavior is to say that we behave normally when we apply our values and principles to our daily conduct.
Nos comportamos normalmente cuando ponemos en práctica nuestros valore y principios.