During these unprecedented times it is important to seek ways we can uplift each other and give a much needed shoulder to those in need.
The Los Angeles Latino Giving Circle will be hosting a free event called Nuestra Gente, Nuestra Economía: Uplifting Latinos during COVID-19 on Wednesday May 27th, 2020.
Join them on Facebook Live between 1:00pm -2:00 PM to discuss ways of uplifting the Latino community during this time.

This event will focus on many important topics and concerns that in particular are affecting Latino street vendors, domestic workers and other essential workers that are a part of the Latino community.
Guests will learn why Latinos are essential to the economy and hear about the struggles that have come since COVID-19.
The Latino Giving Circle will also give solutions on how Latinos can come together in order to advocate for each other in the coming months.
For more information on this event and how to sign up visit Eventbrite or email LALatinoGivingCircle@gmail.com.
Readers can follow the LALGC on social media by searching for LA Latino Giving Circle.
Do you know of a small business or organization that is going above and beyond during this unprecedented time? Let us know what is happening in your community!